New Guide: Zoom Breakout Mastery: How to Craft Virtual Networking Events That Are as Engaging as In-Person, Maximizing Attendee Satisfaction and ROI

Virtual Events
Posted on Jan 24, 2024

Zoom is a fantastic way to run low-cost, high ROI networking events.

From trade shows to networking, you can use Zoom to host networking events.

But only if you set it up right.

Imagine you had a networking event where people could choose which topic area they were most interested in.

This is exactly what we did for Client Ascension’s Team Andy x Team Sheni event.

The Key: Breakout Rooms

A key feature to this is Breakout Rooms. Breakout rooms allow you to split up your attendees by topic into smaller meetings within a larger Zoom meeting. 

In the past, while you could assign people to breakout rooms manually, it was a chore.

Now, you can create Breakout Rooms from poll results.

Find Out More here

This free 28-page guide is packed with expert advice, step-by-step instructions, and real-world examples to help you navigate Zoom’s features and create a seamless, memorable, and profitable experience for your attendees.

What’s Covered in This Guide

  • Step-by-step instructions on which Zoom settings need to be turned on for your breakouts.
  • How to leverage polls to auto-create and auto-assign attendees to breakout sessions.
  • What the attendee and facilitator experience look like.
  • Best practices for running a breakout event.
  • A full facilitator guide, including agenda, speaking notes, and timings.

…and of course, if you would like someone else to run your networking event for you, book a call with us.